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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fitness Secrets

We all know that staying in shape and eating healthy all the time is quite difficult, especially when there are sooooo many different foods out there that are just so damn tasty but crawling with carbs, sugar and fat! I’m going to share my secrets to staying in shape and eating a good, clean diet.
Secret 1: Oats, oats and more oats! Oats is pretty much the only thing i will ever eat for breakfast, no matter where i am or what I’m doing. Not only is it full of fibre but it is also low in GI which gives you sustainable energy. You’re probably thinking, this poor girl has such a sad breakfast! But you’re wrong! I add strawberries, banana, cinnamon and sugar into the mix with just makes it absolutely delicious. I don’t eat it every day because i have to, i eat it every day because i LOVE it!.
Secret 2: GREEN TEA! I’m sure you have read it in just about every health and fitness magazine you read. And it’s true what they say, green tea burns fat and increases metabolism (as it contains catechin epigal-locatechin gallate A.K.A. EGCG)... aaaand it gives you a little pick me up with its small amount of caffeine. I have about 5 cups of green tea a day. And to combat that bitter taste, I add half a teaspoon of honey. So seriously, if there is NO green tea in your kitchen cupboard, GET SHOPPING!
Secret 3: More protein, less CARBS! Protein builds muscle, yes? Carbs add fat, yes? So what would be the natural solution? To increase protein intake and decrease carbohydrate intake! GENIUS! As you saw by my meal plan, i have a protein with every meal, except breakfast. I eat protein rich foods that are low in fat such as tuna, fish and chicken. To spice it up a little, I add some chickpeas, lentils or butterbeans to my meals which are also jam packed with protein. My carbs consist of sweet potato or brown rice as they are low GI. Oh, and one rule i stick to is: NO CARBS AFTER 5! They take a long time to digest and there is no need for all that added digestion to take place during the night.
Secret 4: Cardio is Key! OK, to be honest, I have only recently started doing up to 45 minutes of cardio a day, but i have seen the a HUGE change in my body since doing that. Cardio burns all that extra fat and keeps you lean and slim! My new favourite cardio machine is the spinning bike. Just make sure you either wear cycling pants or get a gel seat because let me tell you, your bum takes a huge beating!

Secret 5: Weight Training! I do weight training every day after cardio and it gives me the strength and definition that i want.
Secret 6: Have a cheat day every now and then. Everyone gets those little cravings for something naughty. Whether it be chocolate, a pizza, a big juicy burger, some lemon merangue or an ice cream. Its important for your sanity to give in to those cravings every now and then, just not TOO often. One day of sidetracking your diet is not going do much harm. So have a little Cadburry's or give Debonaires a call.
Secret 7: Vitamins! EVERYONE should be taking at least a multi vitamin! it just gives your body the nutrients that it really needs and is not getting from all the processed foods we eat. Everyday, i take: Vitamin E, A multivit containing Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin A, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed Oil and Vitamin C. If you're not sure about what vitamins you should be taking and in what dosages, ask tyour doctor or a pharmacist.
Ok so i have let you guys in 7 of my fitness secrets. I'm not going to give everything away from the start so I'll be adding in some more secrets as i continue my journey. I hope this enlightened a couple of you.

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